Environmentally friendly playgrounds are becoming increasingly popular and prominent. As the "green" label has become a standard line in marketing throughout all kinds of business sectors, the same is evident among playground equipment manufacturers. A few examples of more sustainable playground elements include recycled tires in safety surfacing, recycled plastic benches and playground equipment recycling programs. Another common practice in recent years has been replacing asphalt surfaces with grass and natural surroundings. "There are plenty of new opportunities to transform decaying asphalt playgrounds or vacant lots into natural play areas," Richard Louv, author of “Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder” wrote in a 2007 New York Times opinion article. "Researchers at the University of Illinois, exploring people’s relationship to nature, have discovered that green outdoor spaces relieve the symptoms of attention defic...
The Safe Child Campaign is the only leading organization dedicated to the “Collective Safe Play Environment” that is safe, innovative and rewarding to our children. We educate, train, advocate, and certify. We build alliances and partnerships with the community to provide a superior learning environment for our children. We are engaged in a broad range of children safety issues, concerns and lobby to change federal and state laws to protect our children.