It's amazingly unfortunate how far some people will go to do damage to a playground. Police blotters in communities all over the world, affluent and underprivileged alike, tell the tale. Countless horror stories fill the record with news blurbs that frame playgrounds as crime scenes, such as this Aug. 2 report by WOKV television in Jacksonville, Fla. in which a 20-year-old man was found with a "life-threatening" gunshot wound and "the playground was closed off with crime scene tape as investigators searched for clues." In line with the absence of solid, enforceable playground design and equipment standards, crime statistics on schoolyards and public recreation facilities simply aren't kept by any level of government. So the research is scattered and purely anecdotal, except for a recent "experimental" attempt by the U.K. The children's British Crime Survey published in June recorded more than 2 million incidents of theft and violence agai...
The Safe Child Campaign is the only leading organization dedicated to the “Collective Safe Play Environment” that is safe, innovative and rewarding to our children. We educate, train, advocate, and certify. We build alliances and partnerships with the community to provide a superior learning environment for our children. We are engaged in a broad range of children safety issues, concerns and lobby to change federal and state laws to protect our children.