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Showing posts from January, 2010

Only Equipment Built for Heavy Use Lasts -- Short-Term Savings = Long-Term Replacement Costs and Safety Concerns

Durable equipment is the most important thing to consider when designing and putting together a playground, whether it’s for a backyard or a large municipal park. Lesser quality slides, swing sets and any other contraptions tempt with lower costs, but why risk the safety risks and very possible mechanical breakdowns that are all too common? Here are some recommendations for properly designed playground structures that will last and prove to be a wise long-term investment: Residential: Small wooden structures Day Care: Small structures made entirely of plastic Churches or Small Schools: 3.5-inch extruded steel posts, lighter gauge side panels, or more substantial wooden structures Public Use - Small Towns: Smaller size play units using 5-inch extruded steel posts, or more substantial sized play units using 3.5-inch extruded steel posts Public Use - Urban Areas: 5-inch extruded steel post, or 5-inch pipe, heavier gauge side panels Since heavy use will really put playg...