It’s clear that adult supervision is the best way to prevent mishaps on playgrounds, whether they be school yards, back yards, parks or wherever groups of children gather to play. But an important aspect of this, narrowing down a viable ratio of adult supervisors to children, remains elusive. The answer, of course, varies depending on the dimensions and specific characteristics of a playground, the age range and number of children present, as well as legal and administrative factors. So the key question remains, how many adult supervisors should be present? And while there’s far from a consensus or clearly defined mandate, playground supervision is definitely an active, ongoing topic of discussion in the realms of tort lawyers, government agencies, educators and the broader playground safety community. Columbia, South Carolina law firm Duff, White & Turner provides a detailed recommendation: “In the area of supervision, school districts should establish an appropriate adult to st...
The Safe Child Campaign is the only leading organization dedicated to the “Collective Safe Play Environment” that is safe, innovative and rewarding to our children. We educate, train, advocate, and certify. We build alliances and partnerships with the community to provide a superior learning environment for our children. We are engaged in a broad range of children safety issues, concerns and lobby to change federal and state laws to protect our children.